ForwardingHistory allows the caller to query the htlcswitch for a record of all HTLCs forwarded within the target time range, and integer offset within that time range, for a maximum number of events. If no maximum number of events is specified, up to 100 events will be returned. If no time-range is specified, then events will be returned in the order that they occured.
A list of forwarding events are returned. The size of each forwarding event is 40 bytes, and the max message size able to be returned in gRPC is 4 MiB. As a result each message can only contain 50k entries. Each response has the index offset of the last entry. The index offset can be provided to the request to allow the caller to skip a series of records.
Source: lightning.proto
rpc ForwardingHistory (ForwardingHistoryRequest) returns (ForwardingHistoryResponse);
HTTP Method | Path |
POST | /v1/switch |
Code Samples
- gRPC
- Shell
- Javascript
- Python
const fs = require('fs');
const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
const protoLoader = require('@grpc/proto-loader');
const GRPC_HOST = 'localhost:10009'
const MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
const TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
const loaderOptions = {
keepCase: true,
longs: String,
enums: String,
defaults: true,
oneofs: true,
const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync('lightning.proto', loaderOptions);
const lnrpc = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition).lnrpc;
const tlsCert = fs.readFileSync(TLS_PATH);
const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(tlsCert);
const macaroon = fs.readFileSync(MACAROON_PATH).toString('hex');
const macaroonCreds = grpc.credentials.createFromMetadataGenerator(function(args, callback) {
let metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
metadata.add('macaroon', macaroon);
callback(null, metadata);
let creds = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials(sslCreds, macaroonCreds);
let client = new lnrpc.Lightning(GRPC_HOST, creds);
let request = {
start_time: <uint64>,
end_time: <uint64>,
index_offset: <uint32>,
num_max_events: <uint32>,
peer_alias_lookup: <bool>,
client.forwardingHistory(request, function(err, response) {
// Console output:
// {
// "forwarding_events": <ForwardingEvent>,
// "last_offset_index": <uint32>,
// }
import codecs, grpc, os
# Generate the following 2 modules by compiling the lightning.proto with the grpcio-tools.
# See for instructions.
import lightning_pb2 as lnrpc, lightning_pb2_grpc as lightningstub
GRPC_HOST = 'localhost:10009'
MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
# create macaroon credentials
macaroon = codecs.encode(open(MACAROON_PATH, 'rb').read(), 'hex')
def metadata_callback(context, callback):
callback([('macaroon', macaroon)], None)
auth_creds = grpc.metadata_call_credentials(metadata_callback)
# create SSL credentials
cert = open(TLS_PATH, 'rb').read()
ssl_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(cert)
# combine macaroon and SSL credentials
combined_creds = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(ssl_creds, auth_creds)
# make the request
channel = grpc.secure_channel(GRPC_HOST, combined_creds)
stub = lightningstub.LightningStub(channel)
request = lnrpc.ForwardingHistoryRequest(
response = stub.ForwardingHistory(request)
# {
# "forwarding_events": <ForwardingEvent>,
# "last_offset_index": <uint32>,
# }
- Javascript
- Python
const fs = require('fs');
const request = require('request');
const REST_HOST = 'localhost:8080'
const MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
let requestBody = {
start_time: <string>, // <uint64>
end_time: <string>, // <uint64>
index_offset: <integer>, // <uint32>
num_max_events: <integer>, // <uint32>
peer_alias_lookup: <boolean>, // <bool>
let options = {
url: `https://${REST_HOST}/v1/switch`,
// Work-around for self-signed certificates.
rejectUnauthorized: false,
json: true,
headers: {
'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': fs.readFileSync(MACAROON_PATH).toString('hex'),
form: JSON.stringify(requestBody),
}, function(error, response, body) {
// Console output:
// {
// "forwarding_events": <array>, // <ForwardingEvent>
// "last_offset_index": <integer>, // <uint32>
// }
import base64, codecs, json, requests
REST_HOST = 'localhost:8080'
MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
url = f'https://{REST_HOST}/v1/switch'
macaroon = codecs.encode(open(MACAROON_PATH, 'rb').read(), 'hex')
headers = {'Grpc-Metadata-macaroon': macaroon}
data = {
'start_time': <uint64>,
'end_time': <uint64>,
'index_offset': <uint32>,
'num_max_events': <uint32>,
'peer_alias_lookup': <bool>,
r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data), verify=TLS_PATH)
# {
# "forwarding_events": <ForwardingEvent>,
# "last_offset_index": <uint32>,
# }
$ lncli fwdinghistory --help
lncli fwdinghistory - Query the history of all forwarded HTLCs.
lncli fwdinghistory [command options] start_time [end_time] [index_offset] [max_events]
Query the HTLC switch's internal forwarding log for all completed
payment circuits (HTLCs) over a particular time range (--start_time and
--end_time). The start and end times are meant to be expressed in
seconds since the Unix epoch.
Alternatively negative time ranges can be used, e.g. "-3d". Supports
s(seconds), m(minutes), h(ours), d(ays), w(eeks), M(onths), y(ears).
Month equals 30.44 days, year equals 365.25 days.
If --start_time isn't provided, then 24 hours ago is used. If
--end_time isn't provided, then the current time is used.
The max number of events returned is 50k. The default number is 100,
callers can use the --max_events param to modify this value.
Finally, callers can skip a series of events using the --index_offset
parameter. Each response will contain the offset index of the last
entry. Using this callers can manually paginate within a time slice.
--start_time value the starting time for the query as unix timestamp or relative e.g. "-1w"
--end_time value the end time for the query as unix timestamp or relative e.g. "-1w"
--index_offset value the number of events to skip (default: 0)
--max_events value the max number of events to return (default: 0)
--skip_peer_alias_lookup skip the peer alias lookup per forwarding event in order to improve performance
Source: lightning.proto
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type | REST Placement |
start_time | uint64 | string | body |
end_time | uint64 | string | body |
index_offset | uint32 | integer | body |
num_max_events | uint32 | integer | body |
peer_alias_lookup | bool | boolean | body |
Source: lightning.proto
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
forwarding_events | ForwardingEvent[] | array |
last_offset_index | uint32 | integer |
Nested Messages
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
timestamp | uint64 | string |
chan_id_in | uint64 | string |
chan_id_out | uint64 | string |
amt_in | uint64 | string |
amt_out | uint64 | string |
fee | uint64 | string |
fee_msat | uint64 | string |
amt_in_msat | uint64 | string |
amt_out_msat | uint64 | string |
timestamp_ns | uint64 | string |
peer_alias_in | string | string |
peer_alias_out | string | string |