This RPC is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Deprecated, use routerrpc.SendToRouteV2. SendToRoute is a bi-directional streaming RPC for sending payment through the Lightning Network. This method differs from SendPayment in that it allows users to specify a full route manually. This can be used for things like rebalancing, and atomic swaps.
Source: lightning.proto
This is a bidirectional-streaming RPC
rpc SendToRoute (stream SendToRouteRequest) returns (stream SendResponse);
Code Samples
- gRPC
- Shell
- Javascript
- Python
const fs = require('fs');
const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');
const protoLoader = require('@grpc/proto-loader');
const GRPC_HOST = 'localhost:10009'
const MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
const TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
const loaderOptions = {
keepCase: true,
longs: String,
enums: String,
defaults: true,
oneofs: true,
const packageDefinition = protoLoader.loadSync('lightning.proto', loaderOptions);
const lnrpc = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(packageDefinition).lnrpc;
const tlsCert = fs.readFileSync(TLS_PATH);
const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(tlsCert);
const macaroon = fs.readFileSync(MACAROON_PATH).toString('hex');
const macaroonCreds = grpc.credentials.createFromMetadataGenerator(function(args, callback) {
let metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
metadata.add('macaroon', macaroon);
callback(null, metadata);
let creds = grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials(sslCreds, macaroonCreds);
let client = new lnrpc.Lightning(GRPC_HOST, creds);
let request = {
payment_hash: <bytes>,
payment_hash_string: <string>,
route: <Route>,
let call = client.sendToRoute({});
call.on('data', function(response) {
// A response was received from the server.
call.on('status', function(status) {
// The current status of the stream.
call.on('end', function() {
// The server has closed the stream.
// Console output:
// {
// "payment_error": <string>,
// "payment_preimage": <bytes>,
// "payment_route": <Route>,
// "payment_hash": <bytes>,
// }
import codecs, grpc, os
# Generate the following 2 modules by compiling the lightning.proto with the grpcio-tools.
# See for instructions.
import lightning_pb2 as lnrpc, lightning_pb2_grpc as lightningstub
GRPC_HOST = 'localhost:10009'
MACAROON_PATH = 'LND_DIR/data/chain/bitcoin/regtest/admin.macaroon'
TLS_PATH = 'LND_DIR/tls.cert'
# create macaroon credentials
macaroon = codecs.encode(open(MACAROON_PATH, 'rb').read(), 'hex')
def metadata_callback(context, callback):
callback([('macaroon', macaroon)], None)
auth_creds = grpc.metadata_call_credentials(metadata_callback)
# create SSL credentials
cert = open(TLS_PATH, 'rb').read()
ssl_creds = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(cert)
# combine macaroon and SSL credentials
combined_creds = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(ssl_creds, auth_creds)
# make the request
channel = grpc.secure_channel(GRPC_HOST, combined_creds)
stub = lightningstub.LightningStub(channel)
# Define a generator that returns an Iterable of SendToRouteRequest objects.
def request_generator():
# Initialization code here.
while True:
# Parameters here can be set as arguments to the generator.
request = lnrpc.SendToRouteRequest(
yield request
# Do things between iterations here.
request_iterable = request_generator()
for response in stub.SendToRoute(request_iterable):
# {
# "payment_error": <string>,
# "payment_preimage": <bytes>,
# "payment_route": <Route>,
# "payment_hash": <bytes>,
# }
$ lncli sendtoroute --help
lncli sendtoroute - Send a payment over a predefined route.
lncli sendtoroute [command options] [arguments...]
Send a payment over Lightning using a specific route. One must specify
the route to attempt and the payment hash. This command can even
be chained with the response to queryroutes or buildroute. This command
can be used to implement channel rebalancing by crafting a self-route,
or even atomic swaps using a self-route that crosses multiple chains.
There are three ways to specify a route:
* using the --routes parameter to manually specify a JSON encoded
route in the format of the return value of queryroutes or
(lncli sendtoroute --payment_hash=<pay_hash> --routes=<route>)
* passing the route as a positional argument:
(lncli sendtoroute --payment_hash=pay_hash <route>)
* or reading in the route from stdin, which can allow chaining the
response from queryroutes or buildroute, or even read in a file
with a pre-computed route:
(lncli queryroutes --args.. | lncli sendtoroute --payment_hash= -
notice the '-' at the end, which signals that lncli should read
the route in from stdin
--payment_hash value, --pay_hash value the hash to use within the payment's HTLC
--routes value, -r value a json array string in the format of the response of queryroutes that denotes which routes to use
--skip_temp_err Whether the payment should be marked as failed when a temporary error occurred. Set it to true so the payment won't be failed unless a terminal error has occurred.
Source: lightning.proto
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type | REST Placement |
payment_hash | bytes | string | unknown |
payment_hash_string | string | string | unknown |
route | Route | object | unknown |
Source: lightning.proto
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
payment_error | string | string |
payment_preimage | bytes | string |
payment_route | Route | object |
payment_hash | bytes | string |
Nested Messages
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
total_time_lock | uint32 | integer |
total_fees | int64 | string |
total_amt | int64 | string |
hops | Hop[] | array |
total_fees_msat | int64 | string |
total_amt_msat | int64 | string |
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
chan_id | uint64 | string |
chan_capacity | int64 | string |
amt_to_forward | int64 | string |
fee | int64 | string |
expiry | uint32 | integer |
amt_to_forward_msat | int64 | string |
fee_msat | int64 | string |
pub_key | string | string |
tlv_payload | bool | boolean |
mpp_record | MPPRecord | object |
amp_record | AMPRecord | object |
custom_records | CustomRecordsEntry[] | object |
metadata | bytes | string |
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
payment_addr | bytes | string |
total_amt_msat | int64 | string |
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
root_share | bytes | string |
set_id | bytes | string |
child_index | uint32 | integer |
Field | gRPC Type | REST Type |
key | uint64 | unknown |
value | bytes | unknown |